‘Smashed’ With Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Aaron Paul and Octavia Spencer.
More about Movie
Genre : Comedy and Drama.
Runtime : 81 minute.
Genre : Comedy and Drama.
Runtime : 81 minute.
Director : James Ponsoldt.
Producer : Jennifer Cochis, Jonathan Schwartz & Andrea Sperling.
Writers : James Ponsoldt, Susan Burke.
Stars : Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Aaron Paul and Octavia Spencer.
Producer : Jennifer Cochis, Jonathan Schwartz & Andrea Sperling.
Writers : James Ponsoldt, Susan Burke.
Stars : Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Aaron Paul and Octavia Spencer.
Synopsis Movie :
Toss Mary Elizabeth Winstead's name into the Best Actress Oscar buzz pool, since her work in James Ponsoldt's indie has been tipped for such an honor since the drama's Sundance debut. In a perfect world, her equally awesome co star, "Breaking Bad"'s Aaron Paul, would also get a nomination, while real-life couple and Smashed supporting players Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally would win some sort of Best Couple statue. Also, did you know that Winstead is currently making a record with Gorillaz/Handsome Boy Modeling School producer Dan the Automator. She's so Zooey Deschanel right now.
Kate (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and Charlie (Aaron Paul) are a young married couple whose bond is built on a mutual love of music, laughter and drinking especially the drinking. When Kateʼs drinking leads her to dangerous places and her job as a school teacher is put into jeopardy, she decides to join AA and get sober. With the help of her friend and sponsor Jenny, and the vice principal at her school, the awkward, but well intentioned, Mr. Davies, Kate takes steps toward improving her health and life. Sobriety isnʼt as easy as Kate had anticipated. Her new lifestyle brings to the surface a troubling relationship with her mother, facing the lies sheʼs told her employer and calls into question whether or not her relationship with Charlie is built on love or is just boozy diversion from adulthood.

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